Le meilleur côté de Zero to One for entrepreneurs

Le meilleur côté de Zero to One for entrepreneurs

Blog Article

Fin it may seem for employees unfair that someone got bigger equity with less (in their avertissement) responsibility, so it is a good idea to keep the Éminence table (who owns how much of company) discret.

روایتی از جنگی تمام عیار از ایده ها و تبدیل صفرها به یک ها. روایتی از شکستهای بزرگ.

نتعرف في هذا الكتاب على هذه الرؤية النفاذة نحو اسس الشركات الريادية التي تخلق قيمة جديدة .

-المنافسة مقابل الاحتكار، وفكرة أن المنافسة بالغالب تدمر هامش الربح خصوصاً إذا أخذت الطابع الشخصي، بينما أن الاحتكار الجيد وبالطريقة المثلى يعد من أهم شروط النجاح.

- The most grave task in business is the creation of new value which cannot Sinon reduced to a formula.

Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and Palantir, is renowned connaissance his insightful and challenging approach to evaluating startups. He often poses seven critical énigme that can make or break a startup’s chance of securing investment.

Eg. voice over internet existed in the lab (IBM?) since mid 70's, délicat Skype made sense only much later when morceau of people got access to personal computers and these computers started being connected to the Caractéristique all the time.

الكتاب صعب و ممل لكنه مفيد و موجه للسوق الغربي حيث الابتكار و الاختراع لان دول العالم الاول تسير في خط تقدم راسي عكس الدول النامية التي تسير في خط افقي و تعتمد على التقليد فقط. التقدم الافقي هو تقليد الدول المتقدمة وهذا ما يسمى بالعولمة اما التقدم الراسي هو التقدم التكنولوجي وهو يعتمد على الشركات الناشئة لانها قادرة على الابتكار و الاختراع.

“In my mind, there probably are only two broad categories in the entire history of the last 250 years where people have actually come up with new things and made money doing so.”

We came to the plaisante that THAT is the bottleneck that’s stopping all the really cool R&D stuff that’s happening from getting to assidu.”

“I was just completely Tech startups Zero to One shocked to see how unbelievably dysfunctional that was,” Beckwith added. “And this was one of the really big, well-funded intervalle-three trials. I remember having to download Internet Parcourir to even sign up connaissance the clinical enduro.

(I wonder also if there is a historical process to the American loss of "definite optimism". Nous-mêmes perhaps that begins in Vietnam?)

Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. Ravissant when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Justice Gates will not build an operating system.

- Companies should strive to make their product 10X better than their rivals because merely incremental improvements often end up meaning no real improvement at all intuition the end râper.

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